Consumers are Hungry for Food Delivery Apps – But How do You Make Yours Stand Out From the Crowd?

It’s true to say that the Covid-19 pandemic changed our lifestyles in many ways. While some of those changes have been reversed now that life has returned to normality, others remain – including our desire to order food for delivery via an app. With restaurants closed and fears of exposure to Covid while out shopping at the height of the pandemic in 2020, meal and grocery delivery apps boomed. Indeed, Covid-19 propelled the industry a few years into the future, as millions of people in lockdown ordered food online for the first time. Almost every major food delivery service saw…

Fitness Apps Continue to Flex Their Muscles in the App Space

Fitness apps have been growing in popularity ever since the pandemic hit in 2020, and there’s no sign that they’re losing their appeal. Indeed, with the warmer and lighter days of summer upon us, many people are keen to get outdoors and exercise more, which means they’re turning to their smartphones and searching for apps that can aid them in reaching their fitness goals. With so many apps catering for this growing demand, exercise-hungry smartphone users certainly have a lot more choice now than they did just a few years ago. The global fitness app market size stood at USD…

Hyper-Personalization is Already Here — Its Future Is Even More Cutting-Edge

It is sometimes said that the golden rule of customer service is to make the customer feel valued. When customers feel important and appreciated, they are more likely to remain loyal to a particular business or brand. The same is true of the mobile industry: customer loyalty is paramount to the success of app developers, device manufacturers and network providers. But in a world where more than 6 billion people own smartphones, making each individual user feel both cherished and unique is a challenge. In recent years, a primary focus within the industry has been on how to create the…