It’s almost the end of 2023, and with a brand new year about to start, for billions of people across the globe thoughts are turning to New Year’s resolutions.

While some might resolve to eat healthier food, do more exercise, learn a new skill or maybe travel more in 2024, for many the goal will be to put their finances in order.

In fact, in a survey of 1,000 Americans carried out by Forbes Health/OnePoll, ‘improved finances’ was second in the list of top New Year’s resolutions for 2024 (chosen by 38% of people).Taking the top spot was improved fitness (48%), with improved mental health in third place at 36%.

Of those who chose improved finances as their New Year’s resolution, 24% were 18-25-year-olds, 34% were 26-41-year-olds, and 33% were 42-57-year-olds.

The good news for those wanting to save more, improve their credit score, pay their credit card balance each month and improve budgeting in 2024, is that there’s no shortage of financial – or fintech – apps to help them achieve their aims.

Indeed, the number of fintech apps in use around the globe has skyrocketed in the last two-to-three years: at Appnext, 20% of our clients are now fintech apps.

This represents a big shift in the way consumers do their banking and use financial services, and the direction of travel is not expected to change: by the end of 2023, according to Statista, the global count of users embracing digital payment solutions is estimated to reach 5.62 billion, rising to 7 billion by 2027.

What’s more, the global fintech market value is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 19.5% to reach $556.8 billion by 2030, according to market research by Vantage.

Of course, it all started, as with so many changes in the app space, with the pandemic in 2020: as several countries around the world went into lockdown in March 2020, use of fintech apps surged with consumers looking for less physical touchpoints in all aspects of their life.

Since then, the growth in the number of people globally owning smartphones – 86.29% of the global population according to Stfalcon – has been instrumental in the ongoing development of fintech apps. Financial institutions have seized on the opportunity to cultivate meaningful customer rapport through simplified financial services accessed digitally.

Fintech’s success in challenging traditional banking stems from its adept incorporation of pioneering technologies and user-centric features, making the apps super-convenient for users.

There are apps out there for businesses and individual consumers alike, spanning several categories such as:

  • Insurance applications
  • Investment applications
  • Banking and money management applications
  • RegTech (regulatory technology) applications
  • Money lending applications
  • Consumer finance applications
  • Accounting applications.’s State of Mobile 2023 report found that mobile app adoption across top subgenres like Mobile Banking, Digital Wallets & Payment, and Personal Loans all saw rapid growth globally in 2022, while the top four fintech apps worldwide were all within the Digital Wallets & Payment category.

Now, economic concerns such as high inflation and fears of a potential global recession are leading to some interesting changes to fintech app usage.

Personal Loans apps have flourished across North America, Asia, and Africa, while in the US cash advances and early access to paychecks have become an increasingly popular feature across fintech apps.

According to, US cash advance downloads spiked in 2022, increasing 44% YoY, which aligns with the increased search traffic in the App Store for “cash advance”.

So we know fintech apps are becoming increasingly popular, and we also know that this time of year is prime time for consumers to be on the lookout for accessible, supportive financial services.

Clearly, if you have a fintech app, you really need to get the word out there now – and partnering with a discovery platform like Appnext can really help you achieve that exposure.

Today’s fastest-growing mobile discovery technology company in emerging markets, Appnext, has partnered with leading mobile carriers and OEMs such as Oppo, Vivo, Samsung and Xiaomi (which have a combined worldwide market share of 48%) to name a few.

Appnext’s proprietary behavioral analytics technology displays contextual and personal app recommendations according to the user’s behavior and intentions.

So recommendations for financial apps can be presented to users directly on their mobiles across various placements, from the minus 1 screen to folders and widgets, at relevant moments throughout the day.

If your New Year’s resolution is to make sure more people discover and download your fintech app, Appnext can help you achieve that goal.


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