Join Our Upcoming Webinar: The Definitive Guide to CPI Campaign Set-up and Optimization

As a business professional, you know that mobile can play a huge role in meeting your business objectives. What you may not know is how to get there. What it takes to balance the strategy, processes, technology, and collaboration required to make mobile a success. We can help. Join us for The Definitive Guide to CPI Campaign Set-up and Optimization by Appnext. The What, Why, and How of Apps Promotion to boost the campaign performance. Topics covered include: • Optimal campaign set-up at Appnext • Multi-layer campaign optimization techniques • How to leverage the Direct-Buy campaigns in order to reach…

Developers, Enjoy a 2 Months Video SDK Promotion!

This promotion comes on the heels of the Appnext’s native video ad solution, via which we already deliver higher eCPM rates to publishers and higher retention rates to advertisers. The Appnext native video ad solution allows app publishers to integrate and distribute beautiful, contextually relevant app trailers using a Cost-Per-Install (CPI) based model, to drive quality downloads for both game and utility Apps. As we are extremely proud of our video products, we are excited to double any additional revenue you make throughout October and November 2015 (on video products only). How it works? In order to be eligible for…

Appnext Webinar :Building a Successful CPI Campaign

You know that your business needs an optimal campaign. But how do you build one that’s realistic,innovative and doable today? Watch the Appnext recent webinar to learn more about : Requirements for an optimal campaign set-up Models for successful tracking integration barriers and solutions Tools for initiating a Multi-layer campaign optimization techniques Strategies for developing winning Direct-Buy campaigns in order to reach premium app users The presentation we showed during the webinar can be found here. The recording of the webinar can be found here.