The moment the biannual Appsflyer Performance Index is released is always an exciting one, despite the troubles looming over our global economy today amidst the ongoing coronavirus pandemic (which may not necessarily be as destructive for the app economy specifically, as we’ll reveal shortly in an upcoming blog post. AppsFlyer’s latest report covers the latter half of 2019, which of course, precedes our current crisis. Nevertheless, the Performance Index is an authoritative data set and offers an insightful who’s who of app marketing companies. AppsFlyer has also analyzed present (mid-crisis) data and noted that there is no significant change in the total number of non-organic installs (NOIs) on a global and aggregated level in comparison to previous years – neither for gaming, nor for non-gaming apps.

The data included in the 10th edition of the Appsflyer Performance Index.

Appnext in First Place as Independent Platform in India

Appnext celebrated a record year in 2019 within the Indian market, with over 3.5 Billion daily app recommendations from our platform to mobile users in India. This has propelled us to stand as the #1 independent app discovery platform in the region, as recognized in the Appsflyer index. Even if operators and publishers are included in the data, Appnext still holds 6th place in the volume rankings for non-gaming apps in the Indian subcontinent. We also lead in first place ahead of all regional (India-based) companies. 

Rising Up The Ranks in SE Asia

Since opening our office in Indonesia to scale our growth within SE Asia, Appnext has quickly climbed to claim second place as the region’s most prolific app discovery platform. Again, including operators and publishers in the data places Appnext 9th in the volume rankings and 13th in the power rankings for non-gaming apps. Appnext already serves 12 Billion monthly app recommendations to mobile users in Indonesia, a number that is growing continuously. 

Featured Company in Global Growth Index

Appnext has also been awarded a spot in AppsFlyer’s Global Growth hall of fame, due to making the top 20 in India and the top 10 in SE Asia. This is undoubtedly thanks to our shift into the OEM arena in 2019, focusing on revolutionary app discovery and content discovery at the device level. The AppsFlyer Growth Index also shows just how far-reaching the mobile advertising market is; only 15% of positions across rankings are held by purely regional media sources.

Representing as a Leading App Marketing Company

As well as maintaining and solidifying our prized positions in the APAC countries where we excel, we’re looking forward to extending our reach in the other territories where we’re operating and growing. With the success of our personalized on-device app placements, we’re already delivering exceptional growth results to our advertising clients in Europe, Russia (a market that is taking off, and where we’ve opened our newest office) and Brazil. In Europe and Latin America Appnext is serving over 8 Billion app recommendations a month, and that number is rising. Expect to see us climbing up the rankings for those regions in the not too distant future!


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