June has just landed in our calendars, many exciting events are waiting to happen this month. Inspired by The World Football Cup that starts in Brazil mid-June, we decided to hold The World Install Cup here, at appnext, where each developer is a champion. The nominations and rewards are a follows: $250 for 500,000 impressions $500 for 1,000,000 impressions Early start brings you quicker to the finish;) Claim your prize! T&C: • No more than 1 bonus for each developer. The Program is available for mobile app developers and mobile websites owners. • You have to generate these impressions by the…
Stunning by design and conversion optimized AppWalls are now available for both supported and non-supported mobile websites.
We have truly exciting news to share with you today. appnext is happy to welcome our old friends and long-term partners AppHome to the appnext family.
Platform updates: New Plugins
This week appnext released long awaited plugins for Adobe Air (Android & iOS) and Mopub (Android). Check them out and ping us for the other ones in your wish list.
Any assessment is based on the analytical data and statistical information. The questions of how to choose and adjust a particular analytics and how to determine the required…
appnext platform is here to help you build and grow great mobile businesses. In fact, your feedback and stories motivate us to grow and evolve in turn. This…
Optimizing the Mobile User Experience via Understanding User Behavior
Apps March Forward
As app development marches on unabated, there are many things that may be argued among developers and publishers. Though, one thing will be agreed upon. The Holy Grail for creating the optimum mobile user experience is via understanding user behavior. More and more developers who also design, UX and UI designers, are coming to terms with this. How are users using your app? Understanding their type of behavior is paramount to creating that killer mobile user experience. There are three types of mobile user “states of being”. By understanding where your users fit in, you will be empowered in your mission to give them what they want when they want it.
How to Invest Your App Marketing Budget Wisely The mobile app industry is now witnessing an unprecedentedly rapid growth. Every day there are new games being released by…