You may be interested in developing what you think will be the next big app that will make you a huge success. You might have poured all your creativity, time and energy into developing the plan for you application and may be very satisfied with the end result. However, the fact of the matter is that no matter how polished your app may be, without the right marketing strategy in place, you’ll never have anything to show for your hard work. The right marketing is vital to your success. There are different marketing techniques that you can use to…
60 Second Marketer, a website that provides tools, tips and tutorials, mentioned Appnext in a blog post outlining the top 50 mobile marketing tools and platforms to grow…
You know that your business needs an optimal campaign. But how do you build one that’s realistic, innovative and doable today? If you haven’t attend our recent webinar,…
Appnext Founder, Elad Natanson, takes a deep dive into “India’s mobile commerce revolution”
An article in the ‘Times of India’ on April 6th ran the headline: ‘Myntra to shut website from May 1.’ To a casual observer, this statement might have seemed less than newsworthy. But to those of us in the mobile technology industry, it describes a profound, perhaps, watershed moment in the history of e-commerce. Read the full article
Consumer brands used to follow a handful of fairly simple strategies to connect with their customers. But today’s consumer is being increasingly bombarded by a dizzying amount of…
A few months ago we introduced the Direct-Buy campaigns to enable app advertisers to buy directly from the top performing partners. Bringing this new solution to the Appnext…
Appnext Announces Record Growth in 2014
Looking back to 2014 we are proud to announce a 300% percent year-over-year growth. The growth is largely attributed to the introduction of direct-buy campaigns via the first self-serve CPI bidding platform which launched earlier last year. This enables app advertisers to run user acquisition promotions directly with publishing partners which has also led to a 400% increase in partner growth compared to 2013. “We are in the business of empowering developers and mobile publishers by connecting them directly with app advertisers while providing 100 percent transparency throughout the entire process,” said Elad Natanson, founder of Appnext. “Our significant growth…
If you’re on the path to creating a fine app with buckets of user-grabbing potential, the key to successful marketing is no one quick fix, I’m afraid! You…
February has landed in our calendars, and even though we believe in giving love to our close ones throughout the year, St. Valentine’s Day is a great opportunity…