Mobile Games Revolutionized Game Companies, Will AR & VR do the Same?

Mobile games are taking over, gaining market share as better mobile devices allow for better game design, mechanism and overall experience. In fact, by 2020 the mobile games market will come close to taking almost half of the entire digital game market share: This trend is being led by veteran game companies like Supercell, Kabam, Machine Zone, and Playtika as well as newer studios, rising to fame on the waves of the mobile and social experience. Some studios, such as EA and Gameloft (recently acquired by Vivendi), adapted quickly to the new technology and have not only remained in power,…

Ad network and Mobile game consolidation – are they connected?

The mobile ad tech is going through a lot of changes, with consolidation leading the way. NativeX, Inneractive, HeyZap, AdColony, Nexage, Avocarrot and many more were acquired during the past 2 years, and it seems this is only the beginning. The mobile ad tech is transforming, and only those with superior technology or size will survive. Interestingly enough, the mobile gaming arena is going through similar changes. Recently, we have been witnessing quite a few gaming studios being bought by larger ones. Since both arenas are heavily related, could these two phenomenons be connected as well? Let’s take a deeper…

5 Steps to Boost your In-App Advertising Revenue

They say the best things in life are free. Though this does not necessarily ring true for apps, in the consumer’s mind, free apps tend to be more appealing, especially in the realm of entertainment. While making your app paid is always an option, often times doing so can hinder the audience you reach as the majority of users are looking for something leisurely that won’t break the bank. There is a trend we see everywhere from online streaming for movies and TV, to free music, and of course the push for free apps. Thankfully, ads deliver a solid solution…