Spotlight on India in the Latest AppsFlyer Performance Index

The AppsFlyer Performance Country Index provides a comprehensive overview of the app economy, highlighting key trends and market dynamics that help developers and marketers prioritize their strategies in the digital landscape. With an analysis of 19 billion installs across 30,000 apps over a three-month period, the Index offers valuable insights into the geographies that industry players should focus on. In its 2024 edition, India emerged as a leader in eight major categories including Dating, Finance, Lifestyle, Education, and Social Media, underscoring its vast market potential and high consumer engagement. The country also excelled in education and health & fitness apps,…

The Indian Premier League (IPL) Season Has Begun And That Means A Multitude Of Opportunities For App Marketers

The Indian Premier League (IPL) is the most watched cricket league in the world, with the start of the season hotly anticipated across India. Far more than just a sporting occasion, in recent times the IPL has become a cultural phenomenon that captivates the attention of a nation. With so many eyeballs to grab, the IPL season is undoubtedly an unmissable opportunity for app marketers to showcase their apps and services to a vast audience of smartphone-owning Indians. But how can app marketers in India get their app to stand out in such a crowded market during the IPL season?…

Improving Personal Finances is One of the Top New Year’s Resolutions – so What Better Time to Boost the Discovery of Your Fintech App?

It’s almost the end of 2023, and with a brand new year about to start, for billions of people across the globe thoughts are turning to New Year’s resolutions. While some might resolve to eat healthier food, do more exercise, learn a new skill or maybe travel more in 2024, for many the goal will be to put their finances in order. In fact, in a survey of 1,000 Americans carried out by Forbes Health/OnePoll, ‘improved finances’ was second in the list of top New Year’s resolutions for 2024 (chosen by 38% of people).Taking the top spot was improved fitness…