
Orit Sharon


7 Enchanting ways to Increase app Installs this Halloween

Halloween is without a doubt one of my favorite holidays. There’s just something about all those Pumpkins and creepy Halloween decorations that get you in a childish mood and brings you back to those days of awkward costumes and pillow cases filled with candy. This Halloween, check out our bag of treats and get 7 enchanting ways to increase your app installs. Make your description & keywords magical When was the last time you reviewed your apps description? How about your keywords? If you want to gain app exposure and add more installs to your “pillow case” you’re going to…

How to Make Money from Apps and Build a Successful Mobile Business

As far as high-tech goes, mobile reigns as one of the most popular subsets of the industry, and it’s only showing signs of further growth. Whether you’re a veteran or a newbie to the mobile market, continue reading to find out how to make your app as financially rewarding as possible and foster a steady, scalable, and successful mobile business. Use a blended model Instead of focusing all your monetization efforts on one method (e.g. in-app advertising versus in-app purchasing, paid app versus free/freemium), test out the mobile waters by getting your feet wet in a variety of strategies. You’ll…

The 15 Best Mobile App Development Platforms of 2018

Mobile Application Development Platforms (MADP) have become a must in the business world, with practically every organization looking to add an app to their existing site, and entrepreneurs looking to bring their mobile application visions to life. What once required thousands of dollars, a vast knowledge of coding and a whole lot of time can now be done simply and cost-effectively with a mobile app development platform. So if you thought you knew who’s out there when it comes to cross-platform development, think again! Here are 2018’s top 15 mobile app development platforms. Now all that’s left for you to…

If You’re Not Using Rewarded Video – Your Game May Be Over

When I was a young, awkward little kid I was always behind the current trends. No matter how hard I tried I could never keep up with all the crazy game changes the rest of the kids so effortlessly mastered. I got good at marbles when nobody cared, I learned hopscotch probably two years too late, and played with Barbie’s up until an age (I refuse to share) I probably shouldn’t have. What’s the point of my embarrassing little story? Not being able to keep up sucks, but it doesn’t suck as much as losing money because of it. Now,…

Introducing Device and OS Targeting

Attention Developers! We just released a new platform version that enables OS and device type targeting.   We have added 2 new sections on the campaign setting page: 1.Device type targeting: Android campaigns will now be able to target phone or tablet devices: iOS campaigns can target iPod, iPhone or iPad : 2.OS targeting: Advertisers can now select a minimum OS version or specific OS versions to target: Sign-into the platform and start utilizing these new features today or check out other recent platform updates.

5 Steps to Boost your In-App Advertising Revenue

They say the best things in life are free. Though this does not necessarily ring true for apps, in the consumer’s mind, free apps tend to be more appealing, especially in the realm of entertainment. While making your app paid is always an option, often times doing so can hinder the audience you reach as the majority of users are looking for something leisurely that won’t break the bank. There is a trend we see everywhere from online streaming for movies and TV, to free music, and of course the push for free apps. Thankfully, ads deliver a solid solution…

Differences between Android and iOS app monetization every developer should know

Relatively new in the game of famous rivalries — among the likes of chocolate vs. vanilla and peanut butter vs. Nutella — is the mobile tête-à-tête of Android vs. iOS. While most major businesses will dip their feet in both waters, new and developing app providers should note the primary distinguishing factors between the two in order to strategically map out resources and development. So without any further ado, let’s get into the ring: Market Insights Before getting started on app development, it helps to know the key differences between the market and customer base of the competing mobile devices.…

3 Tips for Successful Satellite Apps From Developer Superstar Mikolaj Janeczek

Warsaw based superstar developer Mikolaj Janeczek, created a Pokemon Go guide app shortly after the launch of Pokemon Go . The app was a hit, reaching over 5 million downloads in just 14 days. Here are his 3 tips for developers out there trying to make it with satellite apps. 1) Identify an app/game that is catching momentum and rapidly climbing the chart. find a good niche and create a unique app. 2) Think about what the user will get by using your app. Make sure your app is focused and simple, allowing you to launch as soon as possible.…

September Platform Updates

We are constantly working to perfect our platform and provide you with the best user experience so you can get the most out of your apps. Check out our latest updates and start taking advantage of our exciting new features. Monetization Products Advertising Campaigns Monetization Products We recently updated all of our monetization product family, including native SDKs and plugins to major development platforms, such as Corona Labs, Cocos2d, Phonegap and more. Enjoy Appnext’s monetization products latest capabilities, working with any development framework and platform of your choice (iOS, Android). Try out different layouts, such as Native ads, Video Interstitial, Full Screen and…