What is Seasonal App Marketing and Why Does it Matter?

In today’s dynamic digital marketplace, the ability to stand out and capture user attention is crucial for app developers and marketers. One powerful strategy to achieve this is seasonal app marketing: aligning your marketing efforts with specific seasons, holidays, or events throughout the year. Let’s dive deeper into what seasonal app marketing is and why it matters… Understanding Seasonal App Marketing So we know that seasonal app marketing is the practice of tailoring your marketing campaigns to coincide with specific times of the year, but this isn’t just limited to national and international holidays. All kinds of events, along with…

Empowering Growth: A Conversation with Siddharth Shenoy, Country Manager, India at Appnext

In the dynamic world of digital marketing, staying ahead of the curve is crucial. At Appnext, innovation is not just a buzzword; it’s the cornerstone of our approach to business. Recently, at ad:tech India, Siddharth Shenoy, our Country Manager for India, shared insights into Appnext’s journey and the ever-evolving landscape of mobile advertising. Siddharth’s journey with Appnext spans seven years, during which he has witnessed and contributed to the company’s growth in the Indian market. From the nascent stages of app marketing to the current landscape boasting over 1000’s of apps, Siddharth has been at the forefront of forging key…

Gold Medal Marketing: Strategies for Winning on Mobile at the 2024 Paris Olympics

The athletes are training, team rosters are being finalized, and preparations are underway in Paris, where the 2024 Summer Olympic Games will be held. With more than a billion people expected to watch the Opening Ceremony, the Games present a monumental opportunity for mobile app marketers to engage with a global audience. While the Olympics offer a chance to connect with untapped audiences, there are challenges in standing out during such a major event. For marketers aiming to succeed in this competitive environment, partnering with Appnext can significantly enhance their campaigns. The transition from traditional media to mobile apps has…