We’ve just released a new version of our Android SDK, and this one has some new product features you don’t want to miss!


Here’s what’s new

  • A banner ad format is now available as a part of our native ads SDK in three sizes that are fully compatible with AdMob and MoPub mediation platforms.
  • You will be able to choose three different sizes: 320 X 50 Banner, Large Banner 320 X 100, Medium Rectangle 300 X 250. The medium rectangle size can also include a video.


Our new native ads will significantly decrease your integration effort

We will take care of all events in the ad life cycle and will expose new call-backs for impressions and clicks.

  • Instead of manually taking the metadata and creating assets in the native ads, we have predefined assets, such as media view. All you need to do is place it in the layout of the app.
  • We are introducing a new caching mechanism that will easily allow you to set which asset will be loaded before you show the native ad. This will make for easier integration and better performance.
  • The native ads SDK is compatible with MoPub. In order to move to the new version, we added new integration documentation for using MoPub Native Ads.
  • We will continue to support the old native ad SDK until June 2018.

Let Us Recap

The Android SDK includes a whole new banners ad unit, together with a completely new, rebuilt native ads ad unit! We also updated our MoPub and AdMob adapters to support the new ad units. In addition to that, we included bug fixes and performance improvements.

Got feedback or questions? Send your thoughts to support@appnext.com


Marketing Manager

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