We are constantly working to perfect our platform and provide you with the best user experience so you can get the most out of your apps. Check out our latest updates and start taking advantage of our exciting new features.

Monetization Products

Advertising Campaigns

Monetization Products

native sdk's and plugins

We recently updated all of our monetization product family, including native SDKs and plugins to major development platforms, such as Corona Labs, Cocos2d, Phonegap and more.

Enjoy Appnext’s monetization products latest capabilities, working with any development framework and platform of your choice (iOS, Android). Try out different layouts, such as Native ads, Video Interstitial, Full Screen and Rewarded Video ads that come in both landscape and portrait modes. Not to brag or anything, but you have access to unmatched app video demand with over 2,5K live video campaigns.

appnextad units

Integration Guides



iOS Native SDK Interstitial Full Screen / Rewarded Video
Corona Labs Interstitial Full Screen / Rewarded Video
Cocos2d-x Interstitial Full Screen / Rewarded Video


PhoneGap (Cordova) Interstitial Full Screen / Rewarded Video
Corona Labs Interstitial Full Screen / Rewarded Video
Cocos2d-x Interstitial Full Screen / Rewarded Video

* We are currently running a Special bonus program for Corona Labs developers, using the Appnext monetization plugin. It will be available until the end of October 2016,  do not hesitate to take advantage of it, and spread the word.

integrating mediations

We also updated our plugins for popular mediation solutions used by Appnext partners. Integration is extremely simple and takes minutes to complete.

Integration Guides


Mopub Interstitial Full Screen / Rewarded Video
Admob Interstitial Full Screen / Rewarded Video


Mopub Native SDK Interstitial Full Screen / Rewarded Video
Admob Interstitial Full Screen / Rewarded Video
revenue reports

The following updates were made to reports:

Revenue: report by date: Publishers can now select a new option in the date filter: “last 12 months” and see aggregated data for each month.

appnext revenue reports

Revenue: reports by app/ advertiser/ placement are now sorted from highest to lowest earnings providing you with more organized data insights.

Revenue: The “report by country” filter is now sorted according to the ABCs of country names.

New Search features enable you to perform a search by app name, advertiser name or ID, giving you a 360° view of each and every dimension of your monetization engine.

App installs postback URL: user IP is now in the list of optional parameters that can be added to the app install postback URL.

Advertising Campaigns

city targeting

Our newly released city targeting feature enables you to launch your apps locally, as well as recommend laser-targeted apps and games to your users in over 70,000 cities across the world. You will see the new field on the “Add Campaign” page and will be able to include and exclude locations from the campaign targeting. For more information on this easy-to-use feature see our Introducing City Targeting blog post.


advertising reports

You already know that Appnext is all about transparency. The new search feature we added allows you to perform a search by app name, campaign name or ID.

appnext updates
The search box will appear when you click on the “search by campaign/app” filter.

appnext managed campaigns

Basically, the platform is just as awesome as it was before with a few new bonuses. Take the time to sign into the platform and start exploring everything it has to offer.

We always appreciate your feedback on the new introductions, as well existing platform functionalities. Feel free to share your ideas with our support team, or reaching out to your Appnext contact person.


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