Last week, Appnext exhibited at the Dmexco 2105 event frequented by a record-breaking of 43,000 visitors who came to Cologne to hear about the latest innovations in the digital market, share ideas and take the industry forward.

At this event, Appnext demonstrated its commitment to providing technology and solutions to promoting apps across the region. We demonstrated our recent announcement of our native video ad solution to fuel app discovery and presented our post install event reporting we are extremely proud of .

In today’s mobile world, the need to adapt and be agile is more important than ever, and technology companies need to provide their publishers with all the tools and knowledge for controlling their business and revenues. Dmexco provided a great opportunity for discussing  and learning more about the challenges and needs of the market on its path to success.

Appnext has successfully partnered with major European and global publishers and advertisers to help them accelerate their mobile strategy and business. At Appnext, we’re committed to helping our customers and partners achieve great mobile businesses by promoting apps.  We developed a unique platform that empowers publishers with full transparency and control over their inventory and ad serving.

Over the past several months Appnext has participated in industry events  around the world to so as to provide our partners with new ways to think about and solve the issues they are dealing with today, and have a plan for how to tackle the challenges of tomorrow.

Keep an eye on our Events section to make sure you don’t miss our next webinar or live event in your area.




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