Last year, I was celebrating an incredible Appnext milestone in my region: we announced we had achieved a record 3.5 billion daily app recommendations to mobile users in India. This astounding achievement propelled our platform to become the largest independent app discovery platform in the region and has placed us on a clear path to attain even higher levels of growth. We are now on course to eclipse 300M daily active users. The good news does not stop there. Just this month, Appnext was named the fastest growing media source in the Indian subcontinent in AppsFlyer’s Performance Index – a stunning accomplishment that shows just how rapidly we are expanding. We are also now listed 5th globally in the Retention Index, which demonstrates our platform’s ability to deliver big numbers of highly engaged users to our clients. Put simply, we are now one of the biggest players in the entire region and we look forward to building on this brilliant progress.

However, I do not want to focus solely on the many successes we have had as a platform – as tempting as that may be! Instead, I want to talk about why things have gone right and to offer some advice to clients on how to progress. Effective media buying is absolutely crucial in the ever-competitive app ecosystem and will ensure consistent and high growth.

An important thing to keep in mind is cost. A rule of thumb is that clients who pay a premium for the most proven efficient placements are going to benefit. Conversion rates are dependent on the convergence of three factors: location, time and context. Paying slightly more will allow a client to hit all three. They will be delivering a relevant ad or recommendation to the right user at the exact moment they need it. Appnext’s ‘Timeline’ technology has been so successful for precisely this reason – it weaves recommendations seamlessly into a user’s daily mobile journey and predicts the apps they are likely to use next, thus creating an uninterrupted mobile experience.

I am proud of Appnext’s continued support for the Indian government’s exciting vision for a ‘self-reliant digital India’ via the extension of our Organic Recommendation Program. We are now working with more app developers than ever before following the launch of an exclusive opportunity for homegrown developers to be included in our organic recommendations – an investment we valued to be equivalent to $50,000 USD.

Appnext is partnered with some of the biggest OEMs in India, such as Samsung and Xiaomi, who have integrated our recommendation engine into their devices. We are looking forward to building more relationships with major manufacturers and carriers who see the benefits of working with a unique platform such as ours. We are also working with an ever-increasing number of app developers who boost their revenue and users’ growth by deploying Appnext solutions.

I am looking forward to continuing to expand our activities and our reach in India – this region has so much to offer for an enterprising and thriving team such as ours.


Siddharth Shenoy is the Country Manager for Appnext in India

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