New Year’s eve is approaching and now is the perfect time to start thinking about New Year’s resolutions. We all need that one resolution that gives us hope for the new year. A personal promise we give to ourselves that we’re going to be even more awesome in the year to come.
The problem with New Year’s resolutions is that they are elusive. We hold on to them until our midnight kiss and forget all about them the next morning. It’s not our fault, we work too hard and have way too much on our minds which is exactly why need to have them in the first place. In preparation for 2017, we put together a list of 7 resolutions you can choose from as well as the 7 apps that will help you conquer them.
- Quitting Cigarettes
This resolution is always relevant. There are just so many smokers out there who want to quit and don’t know how to get started. If you’re taking on such a huge challenge you are going to need a support system. Smoke Free, stop smoking help uses a calendar to let you know how long you’ve been smoke free and how much life you’ve regained. The bar feature shows you how giving up smoking is improving your health. The best thing about this app is that you can share your weaknesses and success with members of the community.
2. Getting in shape
How many times was this resolution on your list? (It’s been on mine 5 consecutive years) Let’s face it, it’s just really hard to get in shape. If it were easy we would all be skinny and happy and healthy and Mcdonald’s would go out of business and the world would make sense again. But it’s hard, and getting in shape is one of those things that you actually have to work for and have motivation and blah blah (now you see why it’s still on my list?). The App Stores are flooded with fitness apps in every possible field. Yoga, running, Weights, Zumba, 7 minute exercises for the really busy ones, literally every possible sport you can imagine. If you’re looking for something a little outside of the box, try Zombies run available on both iTunes and GooglePlay. This game will literally have you sweating. This app takes it’s user on a mission to survive the Zombie epidemic. As you run, Zombies will try to catch up, you must run faster as they approach and collect supplies to build up your base. This can be a great app for those of you looking to get in shape in an original and imaginative way.
3. Reading more
If your goal for 2017 is to read 10 new books we’ve got just the app you need. GoodReads will help you discover new and interesting books by providing personalized recommendations based on books you’ve read and your favorite genres. You can also see what your friends are reading, write book reviews, and keep track of future books you would like to read.
4. Reducing stress
You want to be care-free in 2017? I’m not sure that it’s a realistic goal but, there are things you can do to help reduce stress. Apps like Headspace provide meditation and mindfulness techniques that will show you how to train your mind for a healthier, happier, more enjoyable life.
5. Saving money
Not everyone is great with money. Some people freak out, when forced to deal with bureaucracy and terms like banking, savings, accounting ( I’m talking to you Mom ). We can all use a little more help when it comes to saving money. If you’re looking to make some financial changes next year try out Wally, a free and easy to use accounting app that lets you take control of your money. Use Wally to balance your income and expenses, understand where your money goes and achieve your financial goals.
6. Getting over an Ex
We’ve all been there, heart broken in cookie monster pj’s with chocolate fudge brownie stains and a dusty teddy bear from 2nd grade (don’t judge me). The beginning of the new year is a great time to get your act together and get over that Ex that is obviously not good enough for you. Get up, wipe away those tears and self-hate and open up that Tinder. You never know, you may find a perfect match for next years midnight kiss.
7. Spend more time with family
We saved the best for last. There actually isn’t really an app that can help you do this. This is just one of those things that has to come from you. However, there are apps out there that can help you find fun and unique ways to spend your time together. Yuggler helps parents, grandparents, or caregivers maximize family time by providing them with relevant activities and events for children of all ages. You can browse thousands of kid activities in your local neighborhood or at any destination.
The world has become a technology centered place and we’ve become consumed by devices and apps that dictate our daily activities. You can try fighting it, (add it to your resolutions list) or, you can embrace it and use the available technologies to help you on your quest of becoming a better, happier you in 2017.
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