Indonesia’s mobile landscape is transforming. In recent years, this buoyant Southeast Asian app economy has been growing at a record pace, in part thanks to the proliferation of entertainment, e-commerce and fintech apps, which have been embraced by Indonesia’s smartphone-savvy millennial and Gen-Z consumers. In the midst of this mobile revolution, Appnext is playing a pivotal role in reshaping the way users discover and engage with mobile apps. Leveraging advanced technology, we are ushering in a new era of app discovery, creating an unparalleled and ultra-engaging smartphone experience for millions of users in Indonesia.

Entertainment apps have enjoyed the most impressive growth in Indonesia, with streaming apps leading the charge. According to data by Adjust, these apps witnessed an impressive 25% year-over-year boost in 2022, while app installs skyrocketed by 33% compared to 2021. Appnext’s technology has played a critical role in connecting users with entertainment apps, optimizing their experience and enabling seamless streaming even on the go. For advertisers, our discovery solutions have been a game-changer by allowing them to target the most relevant user segments with recommendations that are generated according to intent and delivered at key engagement moments. Thanks to investment in Indonesia’s telecoms infrastructure, including the rollout of 5G mobile connectivity, users can enjoy even more cutting-edge, immersive smartphone streaming.

The integration of Appnext’s on-device discovery technology on the devices of leading OEM brands in Indonesia and also worldwide has carved out a new channel for engaging with Android users at scale. In verticals such as fintech and digital financial services, this channel has proved highly effective with younger audiences who are more likely to move away from using traditional banking services. Appnext is working with a number of established and new fintech apps to grow their user bases leveraging our device manufacturer partnerships. Appnext ‘Timeline’ technology, a patent technology that recognizes users’ intent  ensures marketers and developers are honing in on their ideal users by leveraging advanced algorithms and machine learning by serving the most relevant and seamlessly-integrated recommendations at decision-making moments throughout the day. Users receive personalized recommendations precisely when they are needed — whether that is to pay a bill, an offer of a cash back reward or access to a more convenient payment method.

Indonesia is increasingly becoming a magnet for marketers and developers seeking to capitalize on the remarkable growth that has been seen in e-commerce. As users in Indonesia spend an increasing number of hours on their devices, retail apps account for billions of hours of usage. Appnext solutions provide app marketers with the tools to navigate this competitive landscape where thousands of retail apps are vying for consumer attention: by delivering unmissable placements to highly-intent users, our clients stand out from their competitors. Furthermore, in a diverse market like Indonesia where more than 700 different languages and dialects are spoken, we allow marketers and developers to stay ahead of consumer trends, demographic preferences, and cultural differences. This hyper-personalized customer experience ensures users can discover and engage with the retail apps they need, in their preferred language, ultimately driving higher user engagement and app usage.

Indonesia’s mobile app market holds immense promise this year and beyond. However, to succeed in this dynamic landscape, understanding the country’s diversity and cultural nuances is crucial. Localization, both in terms of language and cultural relevance, is vital to retain users and foster engagement. Appnext’s technology continues to be instrumental in driving growth and connecting users with the apps that cater to their needs, ensuring a vibrant and evolving mobile economy in Indonesia. Appnext’s technology has had a transformative impact on Indonesia’s mobile landscape, revolutionizing the way users discover and engage with entertainment, fintech and e-commerce apps. As Indonesia’s digital economy continues to thrive, Appnext remains at the forefront of enabling seamless mobile experiences and empowering app developers and marketers to


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